Monday, October 10, 2011


After a few months wait I had the opportunity to go on a "weekend" away with girlfriends.  My weekend was actually only 34 hours between departure and return but it was a great break and more time off than I am used to.  As I was leaving Bruce was trying to figure out a mystery since there was manure on the road.  At first he was confused because our cows seemed to be where they belonged and so did both groups of heifers on pasture.  Suddenly he realized that there was a heifer in our group with unusual markings, and after further investigation he realized that they had tags in their ears that identified them as belonging to a neighbor 2.5 miles away!  We have always wondered how Mike would handle other cattle and this group gave him a chance to show off for the neighbors.  It didn't take long for him to introduce himself to the group and enlighten them on his expectations.  In the end there were 6 people sitting and watching Bruce and the dog get the cattle corralled, sorted and loaded for their return trip home.

Joe was able to help Bruce milk while I was gone.  He hasn't been here since school started so it was good to catch up with how he was doing.  I got home early enough to milk tonight so Joe and I milked and Bruce fed the steers and goats. 

Bruce and Ed continued chopping corn yesterday and today and late this afternoon the blower plugged.  That happens when the feed gets high enough to plug the outlet at the top of the pipe.  The good news is we are close to done chopping corn.  We will add loads for a few more days as the feed settles. 

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