Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Shortly after Bruce left the house this morning the phone rang.  Early morning calls are rarely good but this morning it was Bruce calling to tell me that a bald eagle had landed in the trees close to the house.  The crows made lots of noise since they weren't at all impressed with him sitting there for about 3/4 of an hour.  Bruce thought he might get lucky enough to take a picture but he must not have felt like being photogenic since he flew away as Bruce came out of the feed room. Eagles aren't terribly uncommon around here but seeing one that close is always impressive.  It was a pretty quiet day.  Bruce had an appointment in town and then made a few stops before returning home.  He was able to get corn silage out of Ed's silo tonight after the electrician came.  Turns out the contactors and switch were just rusty and corroded so that was an easy fix.  The cows came in the barn tonight and some of them backed out of their stalls looking for their "normal" feed.  They had gotten used to fresh chopped corn so this not only looked funny it also smelled different.  By the time we were done milking they had gotten the normal amount eaten already so they adjusted to the idea pretty quickly.

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