Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Brrr Cold

There is a bite in the air that sure feels like fall.  We started the day with the phone ringing and Bruce's dad informing us there were cattle where they didn't belong.  As it turned out I had forgotten to chain the gates into the barn and the steers decided to wander all over the place during the night.  As usual, Mike didn't see a problem and, except for the one that stepped on and totally destroyed Bruce's plastic hoof trimming tool box, the steers didn't cause much trouble. Mike got several of them out of the calf barn back onto the dooryard with the rest and then Bruce held the drivethru gate open and Mike put them back in the steer yard.  We did 8 blood draws and sent them out for pregnancy checks.The ones in the barn were easy but the one heifer that Bruce had to get home from the pasture could have been more trouble than she was. She just walked into the barn all by herself like she wanted to be checked. VERY strange! Hopefully we will have those reports by Friday.  After all the aggravation getting the 4 wheeler tire mounted and back on yesterday Bruce was pleasantly surprised that the 2nd tire went on without any problems today.  With 2 new front tires the back tires really look bald.  Another set of tires will be ordered as soon as we get a chance.

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