Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Harvests

We spent yesterday doing stuff in the house.  As much as I like adding video's to these writings, for some reason they take hours before they are done.  Making sure the video of Mike got added took a good chunk of day.  We are still working on garden produce and made green tomato mincemeat using the tomatoes and apples we have here.  Joe came later in the afternoon and he mowed the lawn for the first time with our new mower and he seemed to think he would like using it next summer since we are officially done mowing now for the year.  Since the mincemeat took a long time to cook Bruce milked with Joe and I got to stay in the house and actually accomplish some things while the pot simmered. 

Today Bruce had a water line that had come apart in the pasture to fix and then he spent a lot of his day hauling manure.  It is nice that the corn is off and he can spread directly in the field instead of piling.  After milking he took the 4 wheeler and went to the field to grab an ear of corn to test.  This particular ear tested 27.4% so we are getting closer to harvest.  Bruce would like to wait until it is consistantly down to 23-24 on the tester before we harvest since the tester tends to test a bit lower than actual.  The aim is to store corn at 25% moisture.

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