Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Rains & Dirty Cows

Today was rainy, and at this point we have gotten 1.3 inches.  The cows spent a bunch of the day just standing around.  It isn't really cold but the combination of rain and short days does not motivate cows to eat.  Bruce had everyone on the farm to mix feed for and also had to chop 2 loads of corn to top off the silo again.  He managed to get the chopping done before it rained too hard but dreary days don't motivate people either so he started feeding a bit late.  As he was feeding he decided that we should keep the cows in the barn over night.  That is usually how the fall goes, we start keeping them in nights and let them out to eat grass during the day.  Keeping them in involved getting all their stalls scraped (they tend to collect old bedding and feed) and then we bedded them with chopped straw and adjusted their trainers so they use the gutters instead of making a mess under themselves.  After the cows were in we ate supper and Bruce still had one group of animals to feed so I started milking myself.  The cows were filthy from being out in the rain and laying in groups.  Normally I can milk with 4 milker units but at times tonight I was down to 2.  When cows are dirty and you have to dip and clean them extra times it changes milking from 240 squats to easily 360!  Tonight I am worn out but everyone is fed and dry,Bruce came home when I did and the cows will be clean in the morning.

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