Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The last couple days have been rather quiet.  Yesterday Bruce chopped a couple loads of corn again to put in the silo.  This involved a couple trips up the silo to adjust the distributor to fill areas that were low.  The feed can settle 4-5 feet a day yet as it packs down.    Vicky came to check in on the animal details.  She was concerned that we needed to get animals bred.  Evidently the milk testing records weren't current and the information looked much better when she was here.  Today we started the day with rain and ended up with about 1/2 inch.  Bruce had an appointment in town and then continued on to shop for front tires for the 4 wheeler.  Those tires are smooth already and starting to lose air so it is time.  As it turned out the store only had 1 in stock so he came home and ordered them off the internet. 

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