Monday, October 3, 2011


The morning started with a fresh cow in the pasture.  This cow is a prime reason why we want everyone pregnant at about the same time.  Her bull calf is 2 months younger than the last calves and 2 months older than our December calves, and will not really fit in a group.  On the bright side we will have another cow to add to our tank soon.  Now if this calf would only figure out that jerking around all over the place is not helpful when you are trying to drink.  He also doesn't really understand he has to suck which is why he is frustrated and moving around alot.  Maybe tomorrow he will have it figured out.

Bruce and Ed finished filling the small silo with chopped corn today.  Bruce shoveled it all off level and covered it with plastic so it can ferment.  It is nice to have that much done.

We got the first tests back from the haylage we are feeding and we have nearly perfect 3rd crop.  That means we will be able to feed less very expensive protein.  Our SCC counts have improved greatly after Bruce treated those two cows.  We will see what the numbers are on the pregnancy tests we sent in.  Hopefully they will be good too : )

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