Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Some "Wins" Today

Bruce is pleased.  He installed the higher thermostats in the water heater today along with redoing 2 of the joints that leaked.  One of the leaks was because he tried to use a previously used fitting but the other joint had dripped since the original plumber had put the water heater in last time.  Technically he fixed the "professionals" error so that made him smile just a bit. The plan was not to have him spend his time doing this but, as it turned out, he saved us about $500 by changing out the thermostats and doing the installation himself.

Bruce found another new kid this morning and took it and its mother into the building.  There were snow flurries in the air today, too cold for May.  In the process of moving goats he forgot to turn the fencer back on.  For some reason the goats don't seem to be content with new grass and have been out 3 times today!  Their favorite place to go when out is up by the harvestore where they clean up any corn that is on the ground. While the dog thinks it is all great fun, the farmers are less impressed.  Hopefully they will behave tomorrow.

Our pregnancy tests came back with 62% pregnant.  For the industry that is high but we have done as well as 84% once the cows are out on pasture.  This translates into having 8 heifers due on December 20!  Not exactly the best timing with the holidays but they will add milk when the cows are drying up.  Tonight we again had the chance to milk everyone into the tank with another passing drug sample.  We know this will be short lived also because the cow that is due is already dripping milk, a sign that delivery isn't very far off.  Today Joe offered to help milk again tonight.  We started with him prepping the cows by predipping and wiping them and I handled the milkers. When Bruce joined us I did the prepping and Bruce coached Joe on moving the milkers between cows and attaching them.  It's nice to have a little extra help in the barn.  It takes the pressure off both Bruce and I.  Last summer Joe did most of our lawn mowing, pressure washing and miscellaneous cleaning along with helping milk.  He is planning on helping around here this summer also.  Just maybe by the end of summer we will be a bit more caught up : )

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