Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday & Tuesday

My writings this week may be a bit short.  Besides the normal farming routine we have the pleasure of having the company our daughter and her husband from Utah. Yesterday Bruce took part of the afternoon and dug out our old 4 bottom plow.  We have the opportunity to sell it, and since we haven't used it in at least 10 years selling it makes sense.  Also given the fact it hasn't been used in a long time it was buried amongst  other equipment and a used silo unloader that is being stored for future use so digging it out took more time that he had expected. Another event to note is the cows have now had 2 days of sun in the pasture and have some pink udders and noses.  Some of them are a bit touchier than normal so I have to be extra cautious when I prep them for now.  Last night when Bruce took the cows out he seemed to take much longer than I would have expected.  I called him (love cell phones) and found that he had gone to change something on the end of the fence and the cows got all silly and started running and went through the poly wire.  I am hoping to add pictures soon to explain this more, but in the meantime, when I called he and the dog had just gotten them back where they belong under a nearly full moon which was very helpful.

Today we did the milking routine and then Bruce wanted to move the heifers at the other place to the pasture on the other side of the driveway.  This group happens to be the age that are less than cooperative to move so the dog worked extra hard, taking a couple of cooling breaks by laying in the creek.  Mike eventually managed to get them where they needed to go but he wasn't very pretty when he got done.  It didn't help that  the heifers and steers were full and content and really didn't care what opportunities were being presented.  Bruce and Jason put the dual tires on the tractor today.  The second set is put on to minimize soil compaction by spreading the weight of the tractor over a bigger area.  He than attached the field cultivator and went out do mark the edges of where the contour strips are supposed to be.  Ed then went out to redig the ground that was chisel plowed last fall where the alfalfa will be started along with peas and triticale.  It wasn't long and he called that the tie rod on the tractor broke!  What else!!!  The good news is when the other one broke a few years ago we had gotten the wrong side by accident so Bruce just kept it.  This will be fixed first thing in the morning since it was time to be milking and Bruce hadn't fed yet. We have some stuff on the truck that needed to get to Jim's so Steph and Jason volunteered to drive and meet Jim with it.  Part of the day was used to get everything in the truck for the trip.  This afternoon Steph and I went shopping and with her help I will upgrade my 7 year old computer to something faster.  As long as we were shopping we also upgraded my camera so now I should be ready to all kinds of things, that is, if I can figure any of it out! I will take full opportunity of having someone for technical support on sight for the time they are here. In our travels we saw lots of field work being done and even corn a couple inches tall.  We got started milking rediculously late and got in the house at 11.  It will be a fun and exhausting week!

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