Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ed's Corn Gets Planted

Last night the blogger site didn't want to cooperate so this is once again a catch up post.  Ed came and got the corn planter while we were finishing the morning milking and got it filled and ready to go.  He had managed to chisel plow his fields just before the last big rain so all they needed was to be field cultivated and he could plant.  In order to speed things up, Bruce did the field cultivating while Ed planted and while Ed stopped to eat Bruce did the planting.  By the end of the day Bruce is guessing Ed has 50 acres of corn in.  With a 6 row planter it doesn't take long to get the planting done.  It is certainly a different process than when I first came here and we had a 2 row, then graduated to a 4 row, and now a 6 row.  Joe volunteered to help with the evening milking so he and I started while Bruce got 2 groups of steers fed and then Bruce and Joe milked so I could feed calves and do some clean up before the rain.  We have gotten very lucky given the fact that there was a lot of rain in the weekend forecast that went north of us.

The cows are 1 paddock away from being in the farthest section of pasture  from the barn.

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