Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh How Quickly Plans Change

This morning we were wishing cloning was possible since there is so much that could be done and not enough people to do it.  About noon it started to rain then hail and then pour.  In a short period of time we got 1.2 inches and all hopes of field work were taken off the list for this week.  It is frustrating because it is time to get it done and the later it gets the shorter the window of time available before we have to make hay.  The good news is now Bruce can just do pasture stuff and not feel like he should be doing cropping too.  The last of our seed was delivered today.  Bruce made a point of making room in the shop for it so he can shut the doors and keep possible trouble makers out.  Bruce pointed out that there was about $11,000 of seed in bags that we don't need a raccoon to destroy.

Milking is now streamlined with everyone being milked into the tank.  We have to sanitize between a couple cows yet until cultures are done but after the last few months that seems pretty simple. We again have 7 dry cows I am now feeding 12 calves, having weaned off a couple more.

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