Monday, May 2, 2011

Hot Water, Please?

After doing all the normal chores Bruce ended up installing the water heater in the milkhouse himself since the plumber couldn't fit it into today.  Of course this one isn't as tall as the last one so he had to undo the copper piping and then solder them back the correct length.  He got nearly done and realized he was one fitting short (of course) so he called the local dairy supply store.  They agreed to wait for him since it was nearly 5 so he made the 10 mile round trip and continued to get the pipes together.  He started the heater and it seemed to be heating.   At this point it was already getting late but we had to run the pipeline washer before we could milk since we had no hot water and couldn't do it this morning.  When we were nearly done with milking I started to work on feeding calves and I couldn't get any hot water.  Bruce checked everything out and decided that the electrical breaker wasn't holding like it should so at 10 p.m. he replaced that.  It wasn't long after that I finally had some warm water but in the meantime I came home and got 2 pails of hot water so I had something to work with.  When we left the barn the heater seemed to be working and the pipeline and milkers were getting washed.  Lets hope its all working in the morning.

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