Friday, May 6, 2011

Signs of REAL Spring

We had an awesome day today!  Finally we had a day with sun, green grass and 70 degrees.  After milking this morning we moved cows all over the barn again in anticipation of letting them out soon.  It was surprising how many seemed to remember their old places, so hopefully they will remember when we let them outside.  Our cultures all came back good so, if we can figure out where the cows are after the shuffle, they can all be milked without sanitizing the milkers in between.  Today Matt delivered all our seed and then we headed for a farmer road trip.  First we went and picked up the radiator for the skid steer.  Since it has decided to take a vacation we will take advantage of it being down and have the small leak in the radiator fixed.  The leak has been on "the list" for quite awhile but we never quite figured out when we could let it sit.  The decision has been made and its now I guess.  We also stopped in to visit our other patient to see how things are going.  They had 1 last part to order that is now in so they are getting it put back together.  It is still missing a big section of the middle but everything else has been dealt with and we should have it back next week.  Depending on what the weather does this weekend we will be planting next week so having the tractor return will be good timing. As long as we were on the road we did a farm supply run along with a shoe run for Bruce.  His barn shoes totally gave up yesterday so he had no choice but to get another pair now, like it or not.  In our travels we saw lots of planting going on, the first for this year.  Bruce had hoped our travels would go quickly enough that we could move some cattle today but that didn't happen.  When we got home he went over to Ed's yard to scout out who we can move so we are ready to do it tomorrow.  Now that the weather has cleared there are 10 things he could do at once!  Our son Jim came home for the weekend and was nice enough to mix feed for the calves tonight which shortened Bruce's day just a bit.  They already have a list of things to do this weekend.  The trouble is, the weekend will not be long enough!

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