Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Pasturing

Our celebration of no special needs cows was short lived when we found a new calf had been born over night.  We still have a cow and heifer that are due and then we will have a genuine break  Today it is cool but sunny and windy so that will help dry out the fields.  The goats were out of feed and part of them managed to get out of their fence this morning.  We decided instead of feeding them it would be just as simple to spend the time checking fence.  Bruce and Mike then herded the group out on the cowyard bank just after noon to start eating grass which means a piece of spring has officially started even if it doesn't feel like it. We spent the afternoon at a family event and arrived home to find that the oldest doe had delivered a single kid.  After milking tonight we caught the mom and kid and moved them to the building with the heat lamp.  Its supposed to be 30 over night and the kid was born late enough in the day that it was still a bit damp.  It probably would have survived over night but having a bit of warmth will guarantee it will be up and ready to go tomorrow.

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