Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain & A Nap

Before we started milking this morning it had started to rain.  It rained most of the day.  During milking we had trouble with a pulsator that needed cleaning.  Bruce brought in a pail of soapy water and a screw driver and took it apart and cleaned it.  When we were done milking I grabbed the pail and dumped it, just like any other day.  When he asked if I had taken the screw driver out of the pail I knew we were in trouble.  Not only did I not see the screw driver, I dumped the pail so automatically that I didn't remember where exactly I did it.  Hopefully Bruce will see it in the field when he cleans the barn and before we find it in a tire.  I managed to get another section of pipeline washed but I had hoped to have it all done by tonight when we tested milk.  Since the rain has postponed field work, Bruce took the opportunity to get a therapy appointment today and then laid down for a "short" nap.  The nap lasted much longer than he had planned but it was also one he desperately needed. There are reasons, other than growing things, that its good for farmers when it rains.  By the time the day was over we had 1.75" of rain.
Tonight we tested milk.  It was good to see a bunch of cows giving over 100# while eating grass and getting rained on all day with 50 degree winds.  We took Bill by surprise tonight with no fresh cows, no special needs cows and everyone was standing where they belonged so we could milk straight up through the barn.  This too shall pass : )

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