Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today was a slow day as far as farming goes.  We fed and milked cows as usual but spent a good chunk of the day with our son and his girlfriend.  That translates into a 7 hr day for Bruce and about 4 1/2 hrs for me.  Part of our travels today was supposed to involve using our truck so we put some gas in out of the barrel here.  We got less than 2 miles from home and the truck quit.  We aren't sure if there is water in the fuel or if something else died but in any case, pulling it home had to take place after we got home but before we milked tonight.  Bruce has very few things he doesn't work on but vehicles and electric motors are on that short list so we will have to have someone look at it this week.  On the cow side of our world, all is well.  Still dealing with 5 special needs cows but they are all responding to their version of treatment well.  The surgery cow is looking brighter and eating and pooping....all the things that say she is on the mend.  It is supposed to be cold over night the next few days so Bruce has great plans to clean barns this week Time will tell if the planning will match reality : )

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