Monday, March 28, 2011

Day of Running

Milking this morning went fine but feeding calves had its troubles.  I have recently switched a couple more calves to pails and increased their milk.  This morning they both had diarrhea and since they are a bit older, I suspect I have increased the amount a bit too quickly.  One was basically fine so I added the standard electrolites and gave him less.  Tonight he is already looking better.  The one outside was already weak this morning so she got a bottle of electrolites but for most of the day she was on her own.  Bruce and I both had places to be today and with the truck not running we had to share the car.  I was able to catch a ride home with a friend so as soon as Bruce could he made sure she got more electrolites. As soon as I got to the barn tonight she got milk and electrolites again after milking.  She also is on the mend given the fact that as I tried to bed her hutch she was trying to run me over to get inside.

Bruce had 2 appointments in town today so as long as he was out he went to check on getting recertified to buy chemicals and spray our corn fields.  The normal procedure is to attend a day of class and then take a test but Bruce prefers to get the book, read it and schedule taking the test separately.  He found out today that the book he purchased last year is good this year also, and since he had paid the fees but never managed to get the test taken, he doesn't have to pay this year.  We have hired our chemical applications the last few years but haven't been exactly happy with the results so Bruce intends to do it himself this year.  It's something he had usually done himself but decided to hire someone to take it off his "to do" list.  He has nothing to lose given the fact that if he doesn't have time a phone call will take care of the problem.

We had our truck looked at today and at this point it looks like there is a problem in the ignition, perhaps a sensor or a broken rotor.  Whatever the case I hope it's a cheap fix!  

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