Friday, March 4, 2011


Most of the day was spent with obligations other than farming but there were some things to note.  I dug out my ice cleats this morning.  The driveway between the milk house and my hutches was ice with water running down it.  Since I am fully aware I don't bounce as well as I used to I decided to make a special trip home to get the cleats before I fed calves.  From the looks of things I will need them for a couple more days.

Our milk plant took me by surprise today by having the samples we took in yesterday completed.  There was no one in that group with a high cell count so that was good news.  We did take a few more samples in today.  Bruce has a pretty good idea who is causing this count to raise so she will be taken out of the tank tomorrow, either to be treated or we will use her milk to feed the bull calves.

Thats it for the day.  Nice and quiet.

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