Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just Tuesday

Being Tuesday, Bruce had his advanced grazing class again.  That means that there is a rush put on the morning chores and then not much else happens for the day.  It is good for farmers to get out and catch up on what is going on elsewhere.  Grazers are enjoyable people to be around : )

We got the results from the milk samples we sent in for somatic cell counts. There were a couple that were a bit high but the two with the highest counts were the cows we suspected were our problems.  One we already pulled out of the tank for calf milk and the other one is due to dry up so she will be dealt with during her dry period.  Bruce took milk cultures on the last cows that freshened and the two that are due to dry up.  In a couple days we will know how they are all doing, hoping for no staph aureus cases.

Tonight the brown goat kid decided to entertain us by playing with the extra pail in their pen.  She would lift it up on her head, nose in the air, and walk all over the pen, changing directions when she ran into something.  She dropped it off and picked it up and played with it over and over.  She is the mischievous one!

We had a bit of a panic attack tonight when we came out of the barn.  The dog is able to leave the barn now with the doors not closed as tightly so he had left before us.  We walked out to the very strong smell of skunk.  Bruce instantly went looking for him and thankfully he wasn't involved.  A few months ago he got sprayed in the face.  It isn't exactly our idea of fun when we have to give a skunk smelling dog a bath after milking.

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