Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Spring?

Spring is under there....I know it is : )
We woke up this morning to the ground covered in white.  Crusty, icy snow but not inches of it, nothing that would ever need plowing.  I have to say it was slippery enough to make feeding calves interesting today.  We arrived at the barn this morning to find the heifer calf had died.  It's pretty tough to keep a calf that goes downhill so quickly going, and even harder when we have to deal with this kind of weather.  It bothers both of us to lose an animal, but, we did what we could do, and in the end, today is still Wednesday and we still have to take care of the other animals that need us.  I managed a work day in town again today.  I don't believe I will ever get caught up anywhere but this week is more hopeful than most.  Bruce met with an agronomist today to discuss cropping plans and weed control options.  We have not used an agronomy consultant in the past but Bruce wants to do his own weed control this year.  We have hired our spraying done the last few years but have not been exactly happy with the outcome. Having Vern involved will help Bruce get up to speed on the new things that have have come along when it comes to weed control..  He is looking forward to having an extra set of eyes keeping track of what is going on in our fields while we are taking care of the other crops and creatures here. Bruce managed to get the steers bedded today but that was a small portion of his "to do" list for today.  It's not the first time a list is continued into tomorrow.  Tonight our special needs cows all seem to be eating and pooping as they should.  Hopefully they will keep that up and be milked into the tank soon.  One of our April cows looks much closer to calving than I would like.  We will see what we find in the morning. 

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