Friday, March 18, 2011

Animal Shuffle

There was no excuse not to get things moving today.  Bruce had an appointment with an agronomist that got cancelled and our son postponed his visit until next weekend.  With the goats out of the barn I started cleaning stalls while we were milking in that area.  It seems we have been off track most of the winter.  We got a blizzard in December, were gone for the first Christmas ever and then came back to full winter, goat children and more storms.  The steers live in the yard outside the main barn door so until last week when Ed got that yard cleaned, the door was frozen shut.  Now things are finally falling into place and Bruce can handle the goats in the lower building because he can drive up and open the door and take TMR down to them. With the goats gone we can prepare for heifers.  With so many cows that have calved we can get them back in the stalls where they belong.  We then have the spaces open for the heifers and can now get them in through the yard. Today Bruce got the back of the barn bedded and calves all moved so I have a place to bring some in.  He also got the last 2 hutches set and bedded and put the 2 newest heifers in them. As quickly as the chaos builds when so many calves are born, we get to wean them off that quickly also. Bruce did some more work on the goat area again today.  One group was waiting to be fed, and as usual, if there are places to get out, goats will find it. The dog had a fantastic day getting them back in.  It was a good way to practice his listening skills since he hasn't really had to work like that since last fall.  A couple of electric fence wires that were between the boards in the fence were torn off.  Those were replaced and will hopefully fix that problem now that there is electricity in them again.  By tonight the planned system is working fine with everyone fed and where they belong.  That will continue until the goats find a way to get into something.

I ended up making a quick run to town today so I could bleach the heifer stalls. I now have 8 ready to go!  Hopefully with another cow shuffle tomorrow I can get the last 2 done. It was absolutely beautiful out today.  I will be glad when the mud dries up soon.

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