Thursday, March 31, 2011

Small attempt at organization

I got to the barn this morning to find a calf that was still holding her own.  I gave her electrolites with a stomach tube again because it is quicker but also because we changed her antibiotic to an oral one that tastes awful.  After milking I fed her milk replacer with a bottle and she managed to drink 2/3 of it.  She wanted to stand so Bruce came out to help her lift and balance and she stood for awhile.  Tonight I basically repeated this morning except while I was feeding the other calves she managed to stand on her own and she drank a whole bottle of replacer tonight.  She is still weak and its all work but she is doing good.  Tonight I put a storm fence over the front of her hutch.  She doesn't need to try and stand and fall out the door over night.

Bruce got the barn bedded , the fence checked,and the feed box filled at the other place and then we hauled 24 animals down there in loads of 5.  We dropped the first load off and I stayed and watched them while Bruce went to get more.  None of them have ever experienced an electric fence so there is always the fear that they will get excited in their new big space and start running and go right through it.  Four of the first 5 must have found the fence and then ventured in to check out the barn.  Evidently one found the fence by going through it on the other side of the barn from where I was, and the next thing I knew she was behind me trying to figure it all out.  By the time she found her way back inside the fence she had broken 3 gate hooks!  I had thought about bringing my cell phone but didn't so Bruce had to bring back gate hooks on the next trip.  We had the lucky timing that Ed brought down their corn so he stayed and kept track of them with me until Bruce came back.  Bruce also brought the masking tape we had forgotten.  We use tape to flag the fence in places where it's hard for the animals to see it.  If we had remembered it from the start the chances of anyone going through are much less.

1 comment:

  1. It seems you never will remember your cell phone when you need it. :)
