Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fixing, fixing, fixing

Got to the barn this morning to find my sick calf outside complaining in front of her hutch.  She is still kind of weak but bright and aggressive and eats well so its easy to get her electrolites into her.  By tonight she is weaker but still drinking on her own. Frustrating to say the least. As far as the rest of the calves go, my hope is to move cattle to the other place this week and then shuffle calves again so I can pressure wash hutches.  We prefer to pressure wash them all after 2 calves have used them and the weather is supposed to be perfect the end of this week to do that. The trick will be to get them empty.

Bruce managed to haul 6 loads of soupy manure out of Ed's yard today.  After the rain and snow there was a pond next to the bunk so the high priority was to get that cleaned up. In the process he managed to load a chunk of ice that jammed and proceeded to shear a pin so there was fixing involved in the middle of the project.  He was using our slop spreader which has a scissors type door in the back. In order to replace the pin he had to crawl inside.  He compares it to working in an open septic tank.  Needless to say, a load of laundry was created at the same time. Ed filled the feed box today while Bruce cleaned a few loads of manure out of the lower yard here.  As of late the silo unloader has been behaving itself so it only takes one person to run it.  Sometimes its helpful when you go into a different crop of feed.  Something as simple as the moisture level or length of material can cause problems with how the unloader works. That's what I suspect has happened lately, we are in different, more cooperative feed.

Bruce came in this afternoon carrying a set of goat twins.  These are closer to the time of year we would expect, a tad early, but the weather is great and they seem to be a couple days old already and are doing great.  They are so cute when they are small.  It's fun to have a couple new ones to watch again. He moved these into the building where the other kids were started and turned on a heat lamp.  They should do great in there and we don't have to worry about them getting run over or stomped by everyone else since it gets a bit competitive around the feeder.

Today our mechanic came to work on our truck.  It seems humorous that the kid who used to come and play here with our son is now someone we call for services.  Life does move on!!

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