Sunday, July 3, 2011


For some reason my post for yesterday disappeared so I will try again.  I arrived at the barn and checked the calves and the one who wouldn't get up for me had magically gotten back into the hutch.  When I went to feed them he wouldn't get up.  Given the fact that he had been up during the night, I knew he could do it.  Generally when they are weak just a little extra help and they can stand but this guy wouldn't even try.  Bruce came out and lifted him, something I can't do, and he could stand just fine and drank the bottle in the holder as normal.  We did notice that he has a swollen joint in his leg so that explains why he has been slow the last few days.  He is eating very well so with a little therapy every day he will eventually heal.  We wonder if he had been playing and kicking and caught his leg in the pail holder in the hutch and twisted it.

The rest of the day we pretended we had nothing to do and actually went on a farmer date.  As usual, that included grocery and farm shopping but it was a day out so that was OK.  It was a very warm day but the humidity was a little more tolerable. 

Sun-My calf will get up with help and eats well.  The weather is a little more enjoyable which is also helpful if they are already having problems.  Bruce moved all the heifers into new paddocks and then we spent the afternoon at a family campsite.  It was a pretty laid back day. 

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