Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fixing Continued

Joe came this morning and he and I started milking so Bruce could do some feeding and then Bruce took over so I could get things done.  Today was a town day for me.  Joe made sure the calves had water and did some string trimming.  Bruce focused on getting the blower housing on the unloader replaced.  In the process he had to take the rotor out so then new bearings were in order.  Once it was out he realized the worn bearings had worn the shaft so he went to a machinist that is only a few miles from here and ordered a new shaft. That should be ready to go in the morning. The final adjustment details may wait until the silo is filled.  The main thing was getting that houseing in there while the unloader was on the bottom and easy to get to.  Ed started cutting peas and triticale today.  It looks like there is plenty out there and our timing should be good.  The next few days will be busy.  The other adventure today was having someone come and fix the front tire on our big tractor that had gone flat.  Evidently the aging tire wore a hole in the tube so eventually we will need a replacement tire.  The cows are behaving...the calves are behaving...the goats are behaving...the machinery is not!

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