Thursday, July 14, 2011


With so many things going on this time of year I have basically been writing about the high points of the day.  Bruce did some routine maintenance on the chopper, including sharpening it, and in the process was lucky enough to see a chain that had a connector broken.  If the chain had not stopped at exactly that point he wouldn't have known about it until it broke, probably on the first load. Ed raked and then he hauled loads and I chopped and Bruce raked. With the chain fixed and the chopper sharp todays high point was chopping 2nd crop hay, even if it was only half of the crop.  The quality should be excellent, the moisture was great and the weather cooperated.  Thank Heavens!  Bruce leveled the silo, planning to cover it, only to find out the cover we had was the wrong size.  That means a trip to town tomorrow and then covering the silo after it has already started heating. 

This morning Bruce took the cows out to pasture and then checked on the black caps.  The cows headed out to where there should be new grass and it wasn't long before they were down by Bruce and complaining.  He wanted them to work a little harder on the paddock they had last night but they were not happy with that idea.  Bruce left them there a few hours and then gave them a new paddock.  The grass they are in now has all been mowed previously and has grown back to what is considered perfect at this point.  No wonder they like it : )

The goats are going through their pastures pretty quickly these days.  The kids are easily 2/3 the size of their mothers and can literally lift the doe off her feet when they bump her while they nurse.  It is beyond human understanding why the does put up with it but it doesn't seem to phase them.  They will continue to nurse until early fall.  Eventually the doe just won't stand still for them.

This week the cow that stepped on and removed an inch of her teat can be milked with a milker.  Her injury happened 6/8 and all this time we have just let it drain and heal.  Once cows are prepped they let their milk down, and in a case like this, that teat runs like a faucet.  Needless to say, she made a big mess in the process so we are glad the milker works again.  The trick with her will be to prep her just before the milker is put on or we will continue to have a mess.

Tonight Joe came again and mowed our lawn and pressure washed the walls and floor in the milkhouse along with helping milk.  We are looking better around here little by little.

I haven't done very well carrying a camera lately so I end up adding pictures after the fact.  That is the case today.

Any guess why Bruce gets excited when we have black caps

We have wild lillies that grow in the woods.

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