Friday, July 15, 2011


First order of business today was to run to town and get a silo cover the right size so Bruce could cover the haylage when we were done milking.  He started milking and was half done when I got back so we both finished.  The first thing Bruce had to do was run the blower for awhile to put fresh air in the silo in case silo gas had started to develop.  There is only 40 ft. in a 60 ft. silo at this point so he let it run an hour while he did other things.  It didn't take long to cover the silage itself once he got to that point. Overall it was a pretty nice day.  It stayed overcast and breezy.  We could use rain but it disappeared before it got to us most of today.  Bruce took the day and picked black caps.  For him it is like going on vacation.  I met with an insurance agent to consider a new company for our property insurance.  At this point it looks like we can save a decent amount of money with potentially better coverage.  I will need to make a phone call on Monday with some questions before we decide.

We  are tired of heat issues.  Yesterday morning my newest heifer calf had signs of diarrhea.  I added the normal electrolyte powder to her milk and she was an aggressive eater, just like she has been so I assumed she just had a stomach upset. Last night I got to the barn and she was weak and dehydrated.  I gave her extra electrolytes, and although she was willing to drink from a bottle, I gave them to her via stomach tube so she didn't have to work so hard. Bruce treated her for pneumonia. This morning she was dead.  High temps and humidity and then cool and then hot again is hard on calves.  I prefer 20 degrees. Bruce and I are both glad we are nearly done calving, although that means 3 to go yet with deadly temps in the forecast for next week.

I paid bills the other day and called today to find out what our milk check will be on Monday.  This check will not be big enough, but on the bright side, this month included the fertilizer bill along with another 500 gallons of diesel fuel.  For some reason our cropping expenses have been spread out nicely and the fertilizer was the last big bill.  I also paid the vet bill.  The pneumonia antibiotic we use costs $229 for a 50cc bottle.  The last cow that freshened with twins and other issues cost us $280 but she is doing fine so at least that feels like a win : )   Just interesting pieces of our farming puzzle.

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