Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4

Last night Bruce gave my calf with the sore leg some anti inflamatories.  This morning he was more cooperative when I helped him up and tonight he was standing in front of the hutch waiting for me when I went to feed.  Bruce called the vet this morning to check on dosages and they recommend a different drug than we have for a calf this size so we will have to pick those meds up tomorrow.  It was a warm day, mid 80's, humidity 49% so pretty comfortable that way but there was no breeze.  We live on a hill so not having a breeze is extremely rare.  It also made it seem much warmer than it normally would.  The cows seemed to congregate in a group more than we like. because of the warmth and the flies are starting to be pesty.

The rest of the day was quiet.  We actually worked on a house project today, something that rarely happens.  Today felt like Sunday, it will be a confusing week : )

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