Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Non Event Day

Joe came this morning so he and I milked while Bruce took the opportunity to move the cattle on pasture.  Bruce barely left and it started to rain.  Pasturing requires the ownership of a rainsuit if you want to accomplish anything some days, especially this year.  The day continued to alternate between sun and rain showers and a high of 70.  Joe spent his non milking time doing some cleaning for us while we had someone here for a  business meeting.  We had to put another band on the calf's navel this morning since the cord had ballooned with blood and forced the previous band down.  She has certainly got an extra dose of stubborn in her personality since the last thing she wants to do is anything I promote.  The rest of the day we didn't accomplish much and we really didn't care.  Bruce headed out a bit earlier this afternoon to get feeding done.  We tested milk tonight.  There was nothing particularly exciting, good or bad, this time.  It was nice that it cooled down.  The cows are always happier when it's cooler.

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