Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Corn Planting Continued

It was another perfect weather day today.  The Harvestore guys came and had the Harvestore going shortly after noon.  Bruce continued to plant our no till and finished about supper time.  Ed started chisel plowing for us and planted his own corn after Bruce was done.  Our corn is planted in 30 inch rows  with the goal of 32,000 plants per acre.  No till is planted on what is considered clean soil since it has not recently been corn and therefore does not have the residual insect problems that multiple years of corn in a row have.  On this ground we are able to plant regular old fashioned corn with just a bit of fertilizer to get growth started. 

Vicky was here today.  The cows are looking good but there are a few concerns with the pasture getting way too mature, mineral needs that need to be adjusted and protein that needs to be added.  She was genuinely concerned about the abrupt change from high moisture corn to dry corn but it was our only option and we are glad it was only a couple days involved.  Judging by our tank numbers the cows aren't pleased with what is going on either so we will make changes and watch what happens.  We need to make hay on the center section, graze the upper section again and mow off the lower section they have just gotten through.  That along with finishing planting corn and getting the hay made...gotta love spring!  With this weather we can at least see the possibility of moving forward pretty quickly.

My sick calf last night was able to stand again by tonight.  Everything she got today (milk and electrolites) I delivered by stomach tube.  Doing this is not only faster for me it allows me to get what she needs in without her having to work so hard.  I would compare her struggles to a person with a severe cold that can't get enough air to swallow and breath effectively. By tonight she was able to not only stand but complain too which is a good sign of recovery in progress.

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