Friday, June 10, 2011

Dreary But Good

We got just a bit of rain over night and it was damp and cloudy all day.  It wasn't exactly a pleasant day but it did give us a version of a day off since we couldn't make hay.  Joe came to help this morning so he and Bruce milked and I got to start some projects in the house before going out to the barn.  I was able to move 5 calves into the barn today and bedded the 6 hutches that still have calves in them.  We actually took a couple hours and did nothing today, and when that was over Bruce went out and moved all the heifers on pasture to new paddocks.  Tonight the cow report is good.  The freshest one seems to have had her calf according to the manual and is doing well.  The cow with the sore foot yesterday went charging out to pasture tonight.  She still has a slight limp but is much more comfortable on her feet.  The cow with twins was chewing her cud tonight and seemed much more relaxed and comfortable.  These are all good signs that she is also on the mend.

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