Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jason's Field Is Planted : )

Today started with a call to the vet to come and look at the fresh cow.  She had serious diarrhea this morning which can be a sign of a number of things and given the fact that she has not cleaned, is one of our older cows, its been hot and either one of the twins she delivered could have easily been the size of a single birth, it was in her best interest to pay for an emergency call. So far she doesn't have a DA but her stomach was empty and she has a severe case of ketosis so she got a stomach drench and an IV for the ketosis.  (They run IV's on cows in the side of their neck) She will need the oral propylene glycol for a few days also.  We kept her in the barn today since its cooler in there and we can monitor what she is eating better.  That is a down side of having cows out on pasture.  We have no way to judge how they are eating.  Tonight she is looking a bit brighter and was anxious to go out with the rest so we will see what morning brings.

The corn planting continued today.  Bruce started in the morning and Ed took over in the afternoon when he got home.  Bruce then took the duals off the tractor and hauled a couple loads of manure out of the barn and moved all 3 batches of heifers to new paddocks.  Tonight we have 2 acres left to go but Bruce wants to clean a couple places first since once the corn is in we will have to pile manure for the summer.  Speaking of corn, Jason's Field got planted yesterday.  I was gone to a family event so there was no one here to make a video of the special event!  Bruce tells me tonight that the part that is ordered for the corn planter is about $35!  Somehow the fact that they have never ordered that part before doesn't make us feel special.  I am definitely glad its relatively cheap!

We got our May vet bill yesterday.  If it wasn't for the 2 bottles of super expensive antibiotics ($69 ea) the only charges were cultures @ $43.25!  That sure makes up for the craziness that goes on when we are freshening a lot of cows.  I am glad we are past the busy season for that : )

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