Thursday, June 9, 2011


It was another hot and humid day.  We kept the cows in the barn with feed and fans.  Tonight we got to the barn to find that one of the cows had managed to step on a teat.  We went through the whole winter with 1 minor injury but today she did a good job, removing close to an inch which is actually a good thing.  By actually removing the end the teat can now drain without Bruce milking it and it will heal quicker without him trying to milk an injury.  In this case, an actual removal is much better than if she had just smashed it.  Gotta love cows with special talents!  I had to work in town today so I filled bottles with electrolites for the calves that  I was concerned about handling the heat.  Bruce put them in the hutches this afternoon and tonight everyone is doing well.  It has gone from mid 90's to 70 in the last 4 hours!

Ed started cutting hay later this afternoon.  We knew storms were coming but we were betting on the rain perhaps missing us.  The storms came through about 6 tonight and we got 1 inch of rain and a bit of hail but no wind.  Not very far south of us they got 3-5" of rain and 70 mph winds.  The crops could use the rain and the hay we have cut will dry out with the cooler weather.  Bruce checked and the no till corn is peaking through the ground with 2 leaves.  It should really grow fast with the rain now.

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