Thursday, June 2, 2011

More Corn In

We had another day of weather cooperation.  The cows are now across the road on the first piece they grazed this spring. They should like this better.  We had a vet call for a cow today that has been thin for awhile but has gotten much thinner now that she is out walking so much.  We have ruled out everything we can think of, and the vet didn't come up with any magical answers either.  Bruce had him run blood work on her, mainly for peace of mind.  Given her circumstances she isn't milking very much so we will sell her next week.  My calf is on the mend given the fact that she drank everything without any trouble today.  I wasn't sure we had treated her in time but it looks like we win again : )

Ed planted his corn first thing this morning so now he is done and the focus will be on getting ours planted and then moving on to hay.  Ed was gone for the afternoon but came home and did some chisel plowing for us.  Bruce planted more corn, although he had cattle things to do so he got a later start than he wanted to.  The ag dealer came and put the augers in Ed's silo so now it too is ready to be pulled up to the top for filling.  In order to keep things moving here but get ready for hay we asked my parents to do a road trip for us and pick up the 2 pieces of steel for the back of the chopper box I tipped over.  They were nice enough to do that so now we have everything we need to get that going.  One of these days we are going to have a pile of bills land in our mailbox since we haven't even gotten the tractor bill yet. In any case its nice to have everything working far!

I asked Bruce what I should write about here and he said "it was a pretty straight forward, boring day"!!!!  FINALLY!

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