Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mostly Quiet Routine

Another quiet day on the farm for the most part.  We did have a bit if entertaining excitement milking this morning.  When I prep cows I use paper towels and then drop them into the gutter where they decompose.  This morning one of the towels must have landed on the edge of the gutter and then got caught in the wind currents from the fans.  Suddenly there was a cow kicking as though her very life was at risk.  She managed to hook the milker with her foot and throw it completely under the cow next to her.  What was funny is the cow next to her never quit chewing while she was in panic mode.  The good news is, the milker wasn't broken and the cow survived and no one got hurt : )  Tonight milking is back to routine with everyone passing their drug tests and their milk going into the tank.

Bruce took the chopper apart this afternoon. The good news is the only thing broken is the shaft but he will replace a few bearings as long as he has it apart.  They called to let us know the shaft is in so tomorrow we should have a chopper going again.  Now we just need weather cooperation.

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