Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring! We Need Spring

As the snow is leaving we are seeing lots of green grass.  I could already mow parts of the lawn but the pastures are always a bit slower to come.  Bruce treated a pen of calves for pneumonia last night.  We NEED spring with sun and breeze and warmth.  Another day of cold and rain and snow flurries is not healthy for animals.  Can't say it really does us people much good either : )  

With all this rain and mud Bruce is really missing his big tractor.  The one he is using has half the power and half of the wheels driving (our big one is 4 wheel drive).  We haven't heard anything more this week on it so we are hoping the parts list hasn't gotten much longer than the last report and it will be put back together soon.  Bruce spent the afternoon filling the feedbox for the other place.  There is no end in sight as far as the wind goes so he just filled it out of the bag.  Otherwise the day was spent doing the routine feeding and milking.  This morning in the barn I explained the rules of freshening to the two cows that are due to have their calves since they don't read the manual.  Bruce laughed at me and the cows just stared at me like I was crazy and wondering why I was looking at them and talking.  It is the best I can do so now we just hope these next feshenings are routine.

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