Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mostly A Normal Day

We managed milking this morning without incident.  I started myself but it wasn't long before Bruce joined in.    We were able to put the DA cow from 2 weeks ago into the tank last night but ended up treating another one for a swollen quarter.  She hadn't liked having that one prepped for a couple days so I was glad he treated her.  Every once in awhile a cow will take you by surprise, and that happened last night to me.  A normally quiet cow kicked her milker off.  I didn't see what happened but I went in to put it back on and she kicked me.  I fell backwards, luckily not in the gutter, but the cow behind me got kind of excited.  I managed to get back on my feet without getting kicked or acquiring any more damages.  Sometimes you just get lucky.

The ceserean heifer seems to be a calm soul, which was good for both her and Bruce.  Neither of them need any more trauma in their lives right now.  The DA cow was eating almost immediately so she will do fine.  The DA from 2 weeks ago is back in the tank and I removed her stitches today.  It took an unusually long time for her to recover to this point.  Bruce managed to lie down a few times today to give his back a rest and mid afternoon, when he went to get up something popped.  He seems to think whatever was wrong is now right and his back now is just tired.  Hopefully a good nights sleep will get him back on track.

Jim came home today and he and Bruce worked on fixing a chopper box.  I do all the chopping and last September, after running this equipment for nearly 30 years, I turned just right and the chopper box caught a steep edge of the driveway and tipped over on it's side.  I saw it starting to tip so I stopped.  We think that is why there aren't more damages.  When they get it going again they will have replaced 5 of the side 2" x 4"s and a couple sections of the roof and back of the box.  Bruce really didn't need the extra work so I am just glad there wasn't more damage.

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