Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Grief! Another First

We were busy this morning milking and talking.  This mornings discussion involved what needed to be done today in order to travel to our son's house tomorrow for an early Easter dinner. The conversation continued on into what needed to be purchased yet this spring for crops and how long it will take to get the planter updated now that all the parts have arrived.  Suddenly Bruce realized he had a milker on the treated cow!  He removed it, ran to the milkhouse and removed the electrodes on the jar so the milk wouldn't pump into the tank.  He took the pipe out of the tank and pumped the milk that was in the pipes and jar down the drain.  Then came the dilema, we had no idea if any treated milk got into our tank.  We called our milk hauler who called our plant fieldman.  While we waited for him to arrive we were on hold.  I fed calves and Bruce mixed the mineral for the dry cows for the week.  Dave came out and took a milk sample from the tank and also from the milk that had come into the jar after we dumped what we had hoped was anything from that cow.  We still had 1/3 of the cows to milk but they had to wait until we had a clean drug test.  We took advantage of the down time and came home for breakfast.  The call was good news, no drugs in either sample so we could continue to milk the rest of the cows and didn't need to dump our milk.  With a HUGE sigh of relief we finished milking at 11:30!  This is a first for us, one of those firsts we could have done without.

Today it was cold and rainy and very windy.  Bruce needed to fill a feedbox but his only option was filling it out of the bag.  When he went down to the other place he found a door had blown off the barn.  We got lucky, it was leaned up against the building and no animals had any injuries.  For now he put the door outside the fence and eventually he will have to get it reattached.  It is eight feet wide and twelve feet high and came off the 2nd story so doing that will be a bit of a project. He adjusted the normal routine so all the extra batches of feed got mixed today in hopes of getting out of here early tomorrow.  Ed will feed for us but we will be doing both the morning and evening milkings.  We have 3 heifers still undecided when they will have their calves.  Us having plans for tomorrow pretty much guarantees someone will deliver tomorrow.

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