Monday, April 25, 2011


Today was my typical day of running but I did manage to get all the ear tags put in the heifer calves.  I had run out so I ordered them and until now I didn't manage to find time to get them put in.  Bruce had 2 feed boxes to fill today.  Ed's silo is getting empty enough that he will just fill them from the bag.  This time last year the cattle were out on pasture but it has been a much cooler spring so the grass isn't growing very fast.  Bruce thought he would try and haul manure on the field today and came VERY close to getting stuck with the 2 wheel drive tractor he is using. The fields are still really soft in places and tonight it is raining again. He will be back to piling manure tomorrow.  We had an insurance adjuster come and check our alfalfa fields that were seeded last spring.  We carry insurance on seeding and, from what we gather, we will have a loss and a claim filed.  Today I noticed that some lawns have been mowed which reminded me that our mower needed some new parts.  I picked up a spark plug and Bruce ordered another part it needs.  He also reordered some seed tubes for the corn planter.  As it turns out, when you measure the openings they measure outside to outside.  Bruce measured the inside opening.  They ship pretty quickly so the only dilemma is figuring out how to do returns.  I am excited to finally be past the tax bookkeeping season and getting ready for Easter.  Tomorrow I get to be home and I already have a farming list of "to do's" in my head.  I am not so sure Bruce will be as excited about the list as I am.  : )

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