Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nice Day

Bruce was actually done feeding when I got to the barn this morning so we started milking together.  I offered to help him figure out who was who since it had been awhile since he had milked on the starting end.  He just laughed.  Today he had appointments in town and needed to make a trip to the feed mill.  I kicked him out of the barn as soon as milking was done and did the final clean up so he could be on time.  He asked if I would get the feed box and deliver it to the heifers, which I did.  It was interesting driving that particular tractor for me (2950 John Deere) because of all the tractors we have, I have driven that one the least.  I managed to get the feed delivered without incident and the heifers were glad to see it arrive.  Today was a beautiful sunny day.  I had some windows open in the house for awhile.  Bruce got home from town and went straight into feeding mode.  We were both in the house by 10!

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