Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter : )

Today was actually what you would expect for having a holiday and a farm.  We woke up to a phone call letting us know that a new calf was on the way.  Between mixing feeds Bruce had a new heifer calf to deal with.  We did milking as usual and when I got done feeding calves I pressure washed a hutch for the new one since the others were full.  Before Bruce was done milking the fresh and sick cow another cow broke her stanchion and found it enjoyable to run all over the barn. We finally got her pointed in the right direction and were able to put her in an empty stall for the time being.  On Bruce's way home for breakfast he stopped to check on the goats and found a new kid.  Surprisingly enough, this mom had it inside the building where it was safe and dry.  Bruce moved them to the building with the other new kid families.  We hosted dinner here today with 14 attending.  It was nice that we didn't have to add travel time to the day.  After everyone left Bruce got the hutch bedded and the new calf situated in there.  While we were milking tonight another cow decided to start having her calf.  Bruce ended up waiting in the barn for awhile after milking so he could take care of the calf after it arrived.  Bull calf at 11:30.   Happy Easter!

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