Saturday, April 23, 2011

One More Quiet Day

It was a bit warmer today and didn't rain so that was a big improvement over the weather of the last few days.  Bruce has still been dealing with the heifer that has blood in her milk. There has been significant improvement with that situation but she has also added mastitis and today a fever of 105 (normal 101) to her dilema's.  Bruce called the vets for treatment suggestions.  Given the fact we have been treating pneumonia in the calves we are assuming that is the cause of the fever.  The recommended treatments that will cover both the mastitis and pneumonia.  Tonight she is looking a bit brighter and eating so we seem to be on the right track.

Bruce let the silo down a door at Ed's today and now that I have all the cows combed he treated them with Eprinex.  This is a pour on treatment for internal and external parasites.  It covers stomach worms, lung worms, lice, mange mites and horn flies.  This time of year it mainly covers mites and lice, making the cows much more comfortable and one step closer to being pasture ready.  Thats it for today!  Two quiet days in a row!

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