Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tomato Abundance

We had a surprise this morning, finding that Speckles was in heat.  We had intended to put her on a couple hormone shots since she was the last one to breed but she cooperated before Bruce got around to giving her a shot.  Other than her bad habits she is a good cow and having her stay depends entirely on her having another calf. 

Bruce spent today climbing the neighbors silo!  He quit dairying a few years ago and still has a couple silo distributors that we have decided to purchase.  Bruce managed to get one taken apart today, piece by piece, tying them with a rope and letting it down to the ground.  I untied the rope each time so Bruce only made 1 trip up the silo but this silo is 70 ft tall.  While I waited I got to enjoy the view from another farm.

The tomatoes have been prolific this year.  As of late I have been working in town or doing tomatoes.  I have already canned  95 pints, 4 half pints and 5 quarts of tomato soup.  Next on the list is spaghetti sauce and probably juice.  As quickly as I get the baskets empty Bruce has them filled again.  It has been many years since we have had a good crop of tomatoes so we are taking full advantage of this opportunity while we can.

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