Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cow Antics

It was a pretty basic day on the farming front.  Bruce had an appointment in town so we stopped at the vet and dropped off the two milk cultures from the cows he just treated.  They seem to be responding to treatment but he took cultures just in case there is more information we need to consider.  When we arrived back home Bruce had to mix and feed everyone again.  Having 2 treated cows is getting old since it makes milkings so much longer.  I have one section of pipeline to wash.  I can't let the cows out from that section because one of the treated cows is in that row and would get pretty excited if everyone got to go out but her.  I started putting the cow numbers and information back on the areas I have done while I waited. 

More cow fun.  This morning I got kicked in the shin.  I had already dipped this cow and was drying the 2nd teat when she kicked out and hit me hard enough to get my attention but not enough to do serious damage.  As a general rule she has a habit of pawing when she is prepped but she hasn't actually kicked.  I smacked her on the side with my hand and told her exactly what I thought of what she did and what my expectations were.  The funny thing about cows is they look at you like "wow is she grumpy today", seemingly clueless that they did anything.  We are pretty sure that Speckles thinks she is now pregnant and has job security.  Since we bred her she has been poking the milker off with her foot routinely even with the kicking clamp.  This is basically a game of Bruce saying "don't you dare" and her thinking "watch me" as she hooks it off! This means Bruce has to stand and watch her and I keep the milkers moving in the mean time.  Other than a cow who sorts her feed and throws an abundance of it under her belly in the process, the cows are doing fine : )

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