Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Is Here

It was another perfect fall day with highs in the upper 60's and sunshine.  Bruce got the slop spreader put back together and cleaned the barn.  Still no sign of that piece of gutter plate so its assumed that it went out into the pile already, surprisingly without damage to the spreader.  I mowed lawn today, potentially for the last time since we are so close to October.  Soon we will be chopping corn.  We have never had a corn head for our chopper so we rent a friends chopper to do corn.  It has a corn processor on it so it smashes the kernels and makes them more digestible.  Bruce went and got that today and then did some adjustments on it for our purposes. Theoretical length of cut is 3/4 inch, although it varies depending on how the plant goes through the chopper.  There is a small silo in the yard we rent from Ed so we will start filling that one first. I finally mailed out the blood pregnancy tests today.  I had hoped to get some taken on the heifers too but my ideas and Bruce's time schedule don't exactly match.  Since we had 8 done I sent them in.  Information probably next Tuesday on how those breeding's went.

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