Sunday, September 18, 2011

Misty Day

After a few weeks of perfect weather we had a dreary day today.  We had rain, or more realistically it would be considered heavy mist, on and off all day.  Jim came home and helped Bruce remove the other distributor from the neighbors silo and they also managed to remove the filling pipes on one silo.  With the distributor removed at the top there is nothing really to hold the pipes so part of the purchase agreement was the removal of the pipes.  We plan to hire someone to install the distributors in our silo so Bruce is thrilled to have both of them out and ready to go.  Today included 5 trips up a 70 ft. tall silo. Not bad for a 56 year old since he can make it to the top without stopping!

In an effort to extend our pasture season Bruce is now feeding the cows a bit more haylage in the barn and we are leaving them in until after breakfast so they have more time to eat.  The 25 steers that were on pasture are now in a yard with a feed box.  Bruce has started them on their TMR.  The good news is they are started on their ration but since they have to have it mixed he has to deliver 3 feed carts full with the skid steer every other day until they are up to full feed like the cow yard group.  The group in the yard by the barn are starting to look more "finished" which basically means they are putting on a nice amount of weight.  At this point we are hoping they will be ready to sell right around the first of the year.  There are only 18 in that batch but it will be a nice check when it comes.

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