Sunday, September 25, 2011


It was dreary today with rain showers on and off all day.  Bruce had everyone on the farm to feed so he spent a good piece of his day mixing and delivering TMR to the appropriate groups.  He did manage to take a couple hours to go and watch a friend cut and press sorghum.  A couple years ago he had purchased our old chopper and has now rebuilt it so it will cut the plant along with crushing it and extracting the juice to be cooked down.  Previously the plant, similar to corn in size, was cut with a corn binder, which as the name implies binds it into bundles and drops the bundles on the ground. These were then picked up , loaded on a hay rack by hand, hauled home and then hand fed through a press.   Bruce had just a bit of entertainment getting cows tonight.  By the time Bruce goes out to get cows it is already dark so in addition to the headlights on the 4 wheeler he wears a headlamp so he could see the details he needs to.  Tonight he saw something move through the grass and turned to see a skunk about 10 feet from him and heading away.  The dog had followed the cows home as usual and we are super glad we didn't have to add a dog bath to our evening.

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