Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Finally Some Cooperation!

We are finally feeling like we are getting on top of things.  I have 12 hutches but we still have 2 buried in the snow.  We also think there might be a couple fences out there.  The 10 hutches that we have set are full.  Feeding calves still takes some time since the calves are new but its getting easier with every feeding.  The calf with the belly ache has been treated for pneumonia.  I was concerned about that yesterday but today we are pretty sure she has that going on also.

This is a picture of the last set of twins.  They are a lot of calf to produce, deliver and a large empty spot once they are out.  They tend to have plenty of energy which is why the picture is blurry.  Once calves figure out people bring food they get pretty excited.  This is also the new 1/4 swiss calf.  She is so brown and has such long legs.  Her dark eyes make her look like she is in a constant state of surprise : )

Today I went for a farm supply run myself.  No farmer date this time.  : (  While I was gone Bruce and Ed filled the bunk but there was no prayer of getting a feed box filled with the wind.  It seems like there is always something to fix and today was no exception.  Bruce put a new wheel on the wheel barrow that they use to clean up the feed alleys every day.  It's nice it was a small project and an easy fix.  A sure sign of spring is the start of the open houses at the equipment dealerships.  We don't go but we take advantage of the parts discounts so tomorrow Ed will pick up some filters for us.  Tonight we tested milk again.  The "will to die" cow has passed her drug test and contributed 10# tonight.  Chances of her sticking around very long don't look good.  I am disappointed because she was a nice cow. One of the newest heifers is already milking 90#.  Thats the bad news/good news from the evening. The rest of the cows are doing fine and the cull cows are still earning their keep so they will stick around awhile longer. I was able to hang all the bottles in the hutches tonight and Bruce only had 3 special needs cows.  We have 3 due any day and then hopefully we can get everyone settled into the routine before the March calves come.

AND: The latest goat video! They cooperated for the camera!

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