Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Got snow!?!?!?! (part 2)

The county managed to get a path through the road by shortly after noon.  They spent most of the day working on both ends of a 1 mile stretch and tonight you still can't meet a car in a couple places but atleast its open.  The township didn't get the road by here open until 4. They tried once earlier in the day with the truck plow with a load of sand on it but got stuck.  Bruce pulled them out backwards and then they decided they had to wait for a grader. It was helpful that the winds died down by late morning so atleast what they managed to open has stayed that way. We happen to live on the corner of a county and township road so we get to keep track of everyone : )  Bruce spent the afternoon opening everything up here.  We have lots of driveway and thankfully a tractor with an 8 ft snowblower.  Today he worked on paths, tomorrow he will take the skid steer and pull the snow away where he couldn't get to and blow that also.  We once again have paths to the buildings but we are also starting to feel like rats in a maze. The mail man never did get anywhere near here today.

Monday morning was a bit chaotic and with that the fresh cow didn't get her calcium until the evening so  today we had to have the vet come and check her out. Thankfully she was just short on calcium so they did an IV with calcium, dextrose and phosphorus.  She also has a retained placenta so will now be on antibiotics. As long as he was here I had him check a calf that isn't eating like she should.  That one has a belly ache so she got something to settle her stomach and I need to feed her less for a day.  We are hoping the one that had twins will pass her drug test tomorrow.  We milk the cows that go into the tank first, then pull the pipe line out of the tank and milk the fresh and treated ones.  We catch that milk in pails and feed it to the bull calves  Currently there are 3 being held and it just makes milking extra long.  I was glad that both of the new calves drank well.  Hopefully we can find space for the hutches soon and streamline things.

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