Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Conspiracy Theory

I have to say it's nice to have all the calves lined up in hutches.  They have their bottles figured out so I just drop them in the holders and go out later and get them when they are done.  The pneumonia calf is back on track.  I am SO glad the calves are outside now but the warm weather and fog are as bad as having them inside at this point.  It was warm enough tonight we were milking with the barn doors open as though it was summer.

Bruce managed to get the feed box filled with the help of Ed again.  They are both tired of babysitting the unloader.  As of today there is 30 ft. still in there.  It is a funny thing, when you want to get something empty it takes what seems like forever.  If you are short of feed and want it to last the feed goes down too quickly.  Bruce spent some of the afternoon with the skid steer trying to get the manure loose in anticipation of cleaning yards and barns one of these days.  The inside area of the barns thaw before the doorways so already the cattle have to fight their way through some deep spots.  The nice thing about this weather is the snow in the fields is settling fast so when they do haul manure they can put it where it belongs instead of piling it first.

Bruce came in tonight at supper time and announced that he was convinced there was some sort of conspiracy against him getting in at a reasonable time.  He had started mixing feed early and everything was going fine.  I called and asked what time supper should be and he said 6:00.  At precisely 6:00 the corn silage unloader dug itself down and the slide that feeds the hammermill plugged up with something that thawed loose and fell in.  When he went to unplug the hammermill he turned on the light and the bulb blew so he had to go hunt one down so he could see.  Needless to say he burned a little extra time.  It isn't in my best interest physically to milk by myself but for sanity sake I started again while he fed.  Luckily it didn't take him as long as I thought it would and we got in at a respectable time after all.

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